How to Use overhead projector in a Sentence
overhead projector
Why is the play staged with an overhead projector in an old-fashioned classroom?
— Pam Kragen,, 25 Mar. 2018 -
Sister Cecil, last name Rickert, was a whiz of a math teacher who favored the overhead projector.
— Jim Stingl, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 12 Jan. 2018 -
With Rob Whisman, in which a sweaty-looking comedian tries to solve the world’s problems on an overhead projector.
— Andrew Rice, Daily Intelligencer, 3 Oct. 2017 -
Over in Room 151, between all the churning laptops, two overhead projectors and massive projection screens as well as sheer stress.
— NBC News, 10 Feb. 2020 -
The overhead projector lit up the classroom’s screen with his image of the muscular crime fighter, who wears a blue lucha libre mask and an outfit with the green, white and red colors of the Mexican flag.
— Ryan Faughnder,, 29 June 2018 -
Several trends have been spotted, and Coyle, with an overhead projector and film, explains Cincy’s response for each.
— Andy Benoit,, 1 Nov. 2017 -
The lower level features the media room with an overhead projector and drop-down screen, walk-around wood bar with refrigerator, sink and dishwasher, and access to the deck.
— Monica Lander, The Mercury News, 6 Aug. 2019 -
But other items — textbooks, overhead projectors, chemistry beakers and microscopes — were taken to the city landfill and burned or dumped, residents said.
— Alaska Dispatch News, 8 Aug. 2015 -
The 2014 fire started below the library, when an overhead projector ignited solvent in a student’s artwork, and destroyed much of the interior’s western half.
— Yonette Joseph, New York Times, 16 June 2018 -
Newly deputized strikebreakers with ancient guns stand in a classroom complete with an overhead projector and modern light figures.
— Washington Post, 14 July 2019 -
Using his blue marker, Anderson is writing across the overhead projector film the equations that describe this motion, according to basic laws of physics like the conservation of energy and angular momentum.
— Jenny Vrentas,, 23 Jan. 2018 -
Cinema’s creation will utilize several puppets, seven overhead projectors, two cameras, three screens, four musicians and foley sound effects to create a live movie for audiences.
— Hannah Herrera Greenspan,, 7 June 2019 -
The questioning is polite yet aggressive, surprising witnesses with its precision and often accompanied by evidence – including text messages and emails – displayed on a large old-fashioned overhead projector.
— Anchorage Daily News, 14 May 2018 -
The questioning is polite yet aggressive, surprising witnesses with its precision and often accompanied by evidence — including text messages and emails — displayed on a large old-fashioned overhead projector.
—, 14 May 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'overhead projector.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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